May 26Β·edited May 26Liked by Bryan W. Conway

All humans "believe".. in something or somethings (likely the latter). We all have our idols and worship. So 'believing' in something, anything, is as normal and natural as breathing. Faith is belief in the unseen. So like Christians' belief in God, is it really a stretch to extend that to a belief in an animal?

Many an atheist will tout the "where's the "proof" (of God's existence)? Well, the proof is all around, if one simply bothers to explore, and many a book has been written on this ("The Case for Christ" being, probably, the most noteworthy).

In the end, it's not about religion. Religion is man-made; FAITH is God-made. People can, and do, turn ANYthing into a worship activity.

I digress. Belief is a choice and we all have to choose. And the GAMBLE is a serious bet. All-in or all-out.

"I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is." –Albert Camus

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I like the Camus quote, it is adjacent to Pascal's Wager, but hones in on the virtue of living a life of genuine belief rather than the pursuit of the "end game", eternal life. It isn't a wager, but rather a persuasive case for appraising the journey as valuable, not just the destination .

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May 24Liked by Bryan W. Conway

Do you have any idea how vast the Pacific Northwest forests are!? What’s next? Megaladon is extinct!? Blasphemy!

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So do you need the link to the Bigfoot podcast?

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May 24Liked by Bryan W. Conway

I have it already, but thanks.

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